The Village Voice cuts its own throat (in a manner of speaking): Mr. Hentoff said he learned the news in a phone call with Mr. Ortega on Tuesday morning. “I’m 83 and a half. You’d think they’d have let me go silently,” he said. “Fortunately, I’ve never been more productive.” Mr. Hentoff plans to continue… Continue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Allen MacNeill on “hitting the core-dump button.”
I thought this Christmas I’d offer up a little bit of personal nostalgia. My favorite rendition of The Little Drummer Boy has always been the obscure rendition that was part of the Christmas Collection of music on LPs offered every year by Firestone back in the 1960s when I was a toddler. Yes, Firestone, the… Continue reading
Razib is looking at a recent science headline that brings out the worst of evolutionary psychology: One of the most tiresome aspects of evolutionary psychology is the paradigmatic straitjacket which many of the practitioners operate under; the only type of evolution that exists is unidirectional. Deviations from expectation are explained away. The importance of human… Continue reading
One certainty the new year will bring, the last days of VHS…