First News First: Former Boston Red Sox slugger Carl Yastrzemski finally married the beautiful young woman with whom he has been living, last Saturday evening at his favorite restaurant, Anthony’s Pier Four in Boston. Yastrzemski who was a star left fielder for 22 years with the Red Sox, was married to Nancy Benson whom he met at the tail end of his career 22 years ago. A longtime friend of Yaz, a former priest who is married and has three children, performed the simple civil ceremony witnessed by a small group of family members and other relatives which didn’t include Yaz’ first wife, Carol. Yastrzemski’s father who still looks as strong and fit as his famous son who will be 63 in August, was the best man and the bride’s mother was maid of honor. Uninvited to the hushed wedding festivities at the world-famous restaurant were television and newspaper reporters and commentators who have covered Yaz throughout his four-decade carrer with the BoSox.