The sudden discovery of additional new incriminating documents concerning Fr. Paul Shanley’s advocacy of man-boy love in the files of the Archdiocese of Boston is another nail in the career coffin of Bernard Cardinal Law who still maintains he has no plans to resign or take another church post in Rome. The cardinal has lost the confidence of the laity in Metropolitan Boston and with it the capacity to lead. But he seems to be the only leader in the area not to recognize it as he continues to insist he is the most qualified church official to pick up the pieces and lead the archdiocese out of the terrible mess which has engulfed it. Meanwhile the Boston Globe which broke the stories about pedophile priests in January, continues to work aggressively on new aspects of the church problem, particularly the financial burden for area Catholics which may ultimately approach $100 million. The Globe, incidentally, is certain to win one or more Pulitzer Prizes for its excellent investigative series which launched the ongoing national and international news story.