
Nick Schulz on the (yet again) fashionable alarmism about global warming: It is curious that the alarmists are largely silent on the failures of Kyoto in Europe. Skeptics have been pointing out the economic and technological realities of mandatory emissions reductions for years now. Skeptics have also raised alternative ways of tackling problems associated with… Continue reading


Rafat Ali says iPod Video is the biggest friend of the Mobile Content Industry. At DH, I spoke to Ralph Simon, arguably the father of mobile music and content industry, and now the head of MEF Americas. His work in the mobile music industry can be tracked to the growth and evolution of mobile content.… Continue reading


Stanislaw Lem, the great Polish writer, has died at age 84. Lem died in Krakow, Wojciech Zemek told The Associated Press. Zemek did not give other details or the cause of death, citing only Lem’s advanced age. Lem was one of the most popular science fiction authors of recent decades to write in a language… Continue reading


If you’re looking for beach reading listening, Podiobooks has just started serializing my novel Doctor Janeway’s Plague. Podiobooks is run by Evo Terra, the industrious podcasting guru behind several podcast sites as well as the co-author of Podcasting for Dummies. I plan to add episodes once a week or bi-weekly. (Doctor Janeway is sort of… Continue reading