Cute Dept.Baby panda sneezes and scares the hell out of its parent. Been there.
Month: August 2007
Mike Dunford, on why creationists are preferable to Intelligent Design promoters.(Hint: it has something to do with honesty.)
I’ve been tagged by Scott Carson (and feel honored by the company he keeps). I can play that game! I will reply (in suitably garbled paraphrase) by falling back on one of my favorite passages from Chesterton, and leave it at that. There was a man once in the East long ago,and I cannot look… Continue reading
Why it’s fun to read a Yankees blog: You know, getting shut-out by the Royals is bad. Losing two in a row to the f–king Orioles is asinine. I had originally stated that if the Yankees could get to 4 games back or less of the Red Sox by August 28th, I felt we had… Continue reading
“This is just one of a billion plus examples of lazy Creationists taking advantage of the ignorance of their followers.” Apparently there are a lot of scientific facts Michael Behe left out of his new book. We’re shocked. (No, really. )