
Food for thought at Just Thomism: Reading modern debates between atheists and theists I get the sense that the topics come from rumors of topics long forgotten. Both sides have heard that there is a “cosmological argument” that has somehow proved God’s existence, but they devote page after page of critique or praise of this… Continue reading


For those of you in the Boston area with long memories… Yep…even then I had a video camera. Glad I did, too. My daughters don’t believe we got a week off from school thirty years ago. [Note: The big guy in the picture is my late dad, David Farrell, former Globe columnist (he got to… Continue reading


If you want to see just how pathetic the m.o. of the Discovery Institute truly is, then check out these posts by PZ Myers. Yeah, PZ Myers (and hat’s off to him for exposing ignorance wherever it lurks). Here’s the invite. Here’s what happened. All I can say is, with Christians friends like these… Seriously.… Continue reading