
When No News is Good News: Now, it might be thought an amazing coincidence if Earth were the only planet in the galaxy on which intelligent life evolved. If it happened here, the one planet we have studied closely, surely one would expect it to have happened on a lot of other planets in the… Continue reading


In an otherwise engaging profile of British thespian and former director of the (new) Globe Theatre Mark Rylance, we learn yet again how unexposed to critical thinking a number of modern artists are. In 1989, Rylance played Hamlet and Romeo four times a week each, in R.S.C. productions in Stratford-on-Avon. While acting there, he began… Continue reading


Apopos the story today that Barbara Walters, promoting her new book, told Oprah that she had an affair with former U.S. Senator Edward Brooke (the first African American senator and a Republican one at that), I went back to the archives to find this shot of my father (right) interviewing him (left) on Channel 5… Continue reading


Could Mike Behe jump ship? Larry Arnhart writes: As I noted in my first post on Ben Stein’s movie Expelled, the absence of Michael Behe was remarkable. After all, Stein interviewed most of the “senior fellows” at the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture. So why didn’t he interview the most famous one and… Continue reading


Amy Welborn has a thoughtful post, the gist of which is (if I read her right), that culural Catholicism, the traditions and approach to the faith born of specific cultures and times, is dead. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. And it may explain why, when I received a brochure from the Carmelite… Continue reading