A Little Hypocrisy Now and Then…
Is PZ Merkwurdige a hypocrite? John Pieret thinks so. I think he’s right. And in this case, it’s an improvement.
Is PZ Merkwurdige a hypocrite? John Pieret thinks so. I think he’s right. And in this case, it’s an improvement.
This blog, which dates back to March 2002, has been long overdue for a redesign. I had to move the entire archive from my own farrellmedia website some weeks back, and once that was done cleanly, I realized it was much easier to change the design. Blogroll, book links and other distractions will be added… Continue reading A New Look
Deep Space Viewing An international team of astronomers from Germany and Japan has discovered the most distant cluster of galaxies known so far — 9.6 billion light years away. The X-ray and infrared observations showed that the cluster hosts predominantly old, massive galaxies, demonstrating that the galaxies formed when the universe was still very young.… Continue reading Most Distant Galaxy Cluster Revealed by Invisible Light
Two childhood friends from India are making real progress with putting the best features of Office and Google in the clouds. In early 2005 Bhatia met with Raghavendra and Cavale to see what they were working on, including an instant messaging platform. “I knew that [they] were technically savvy to have figured out a lot… Continue reading Promising Start-up in India
Robert Samuelson on why things can get a lot worse: Countries everywhere already have high budget deficits, aggravated by the recession. Greece is exceptional only by degree. In 2009, its budget deficit was 13.6 percent of its gross domestic product (a measure of its economy); its debt, the accumulation of past deficits, was 115 percent… Continue reading The Crisis Ahead?