books · eBooks · history of science · medieval history · technology

The Clock and the Camshaft is Available

The delays due to Covid were not as grim as I feared. My book is now officially in stock. The official listing, and you can order direct from Rowman and Littlefield. And Bookshop. Fresh from the warehouse! If you buy the print edition from Bookshop, the proceeds go to help independent booksellers. Ebook eition is also… Continue reading The Clock and the Camshaft is Available


A Fine Pavement: Coming in 2020

We’re now in post-production, and delighted to be working with Spanish composer Paco Periago on the score for the film. GiroStudio is doing the color correction and sound mixing. Below are some stills from the shoot. Douglas G. Griffin and Andrew Winson Matthew Zahnzinger and Douglas G. Griffin Ed Peed and Douglas G. Griffin Douglas… Continue reading A Fine Pavement: Coming in 2020

book review · books · Holocaust · London · Margot Singer · novels · terrorism · Underground Fugue

The Rhythm of Underground Fugue

More than halfway into Margot Singer’s engrossing novel Underground Fugue, her main character Esther, a middle aged American woman who has returned to London to look after her dying mother, recalls the circumstances surrounding a one night stand she had before she was married. Just once, she’d hooked up with a stranger. Reckless, yes. She… Continue reading The Rhythm of Underground Fugue