One of my favorite stops when we go to Montreal:Patisserie de Gascogne. There are three in the greater Montreal area, but the largest is the shop at 237 Avenue Laurier. I’m not into sweets as a rule, but their coffee is superb, and the sandwiches excellent.
Month: October 2008
Short Fiction Dept.It’s been a couple of years since my last short story sale (to DoubleThink). And even longer since I sold a science fiction short story. This one is called Venus Theotókos.
Well, as Grace Kelly once said (in To Catch a Thief), “That’s Warm, Friendly France for you!“ Houellebecq, France’s most controversial modern writer, was hailed as the defining voice of nihilism after his novel Atomised 10 years ago. But he now compares the chattering classes’ hatred towards him to Nazism. He says his relationship with… Continue reading
Slightly new look to the web site and blog. In addition to an official Farrellmedia logo with which I can now brand the hell out of everything I post, I’m also shifting the delivery of all our online video segments to Brightcove’s CDN and Media Player, which I think is the best thing since sliced… Continue reading
Nice post by Moshe Rozali about the problems facing physicists trying to unify general relativity and quantum physics: Alas, there are many indications (which I may get to at some stage) that quantizing the gravitational field is problematic: when going down to length scales for which the quantum mechanics of gravity is important, we simply… Continue reading